Is it possible

Is it possible for people to change
or do we just get better at covering things up?

Is it possible that we can have it all
or do we kid ourselves about that one?

Is it possible that others are truly listening to your viewpoint
or are they simply pretending?

Is it possible for time to pass so quickly right through your fingers
or are you just busying yourselves with things to do, emails to write and blogposts to read?

Is it possible that you will get any real work done
or are you working hard at appearing like so?

Does it help to have more questions than answers? It would seem so but I don’t always know.
But it is better to be inquiring than it is to accept the status quo, isn’t it?

About Rowena Morais

Helping you showcase your profile, network & body of work | Host, Building Influence Show | Author | 2x TEDx Speaker | Editor Ghostwriter & LinkedIn Profile Writer | Marketing & Communications

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